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Cub Scout Pack 65
(North Attleboro, Massachusetts)
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The Boy Scouts of America (BSA) issues annual charters to religious, community, and education based organizations whose objectives, mission, and methodologies are compatible with those of the BSA. Scouting is a great youth movement dedicated to the character development, citizenship training,and personal fitness of American youth. This charter allows those organizations to operate the Scouting program and provides them needed literature, training,support materials, and direct professional service.

Each chartered organization appoints a volunteer,other than the unit leader or assistant unit leader,as its chartered organization representative to represent it as a member of the district committee and as a voting member of the local council. The primary responsibilities of the chartered organization representative are to help units be successful and to provide coordination between the chartered organization and the BSA. Every chartered organization representative is encouraged to become an active, participating member of one of the district’s committees.

The Martin School Association (MSA) is Pack 65's Charter Organization.